Category Archives: Technology


I spend a lot of my life waiting for compiling, for progress bars to creep across a computer screen.

I usually spend it reading Google News, Ars Technica, or Wikipedia.

What do you do with these otherwise-wasted minutes?

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Filed under Programming

Domains, hah!

I bought today.  I doubt anybody will ever use it, but maybe this’ll turn out to be an auspicious moment in history, eh?

But I guess now that the Smile programming language has a website, it probably ought to start existing, shouldn’t it?  I have a lexer built, a formal grammar designed (LL(3) with some precedence quirks), a bunch of parsing/transformation rules, a bunch of interpretation rules, and a smattering of the runtime built.  It’s definitely not usable for anything yet, but I can actually see it taking shape, and after a decade of working on its design, of throwing out and revising piece after piece of it, it’s good to feel like it’s finally going somewhere.

Remind me to tell you guys about it at some point in the not-too-distant future.

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Filed under Smile